

Q:Where can I get back my password?
A:You can click HERE to get back your password.

Q:When I submitted my paper, the system gave me information: Don't use non-english for your submission! Field:'Comments'. But I did not found other fonts in field : "Comments".
A:Please check again. Are there "’", "‘", "“", " ”"?

Q:How can I know which papers are submitted?
A:Please access HERE. Please confirm your submission is successed or not if there are any ERROR messages.

Q:How can I delete my submission?
A:We are very sorry. The authors can not delete any submissions. Please contact to us and we can do it for you if you want to withdraw your paper.

Q:I am sure the ID and the password are right, but I can not login. Why?
A:Please delete your cookies, and try to login again.

Q:I have gotten an account from icma2012, but I have not received any mails from icma2012.
A:If you know your account ID and your password, please log into icma2012, then enter your control panel. You can select the first item "Update your Profile" to confirm your Email Address.
If you can not receive any mails and lost your account ID, please try to get them from HERE.If you can not receive the confirm mail, please get another account with another Email Address.

Q:I found some mistakes in my submission, how can I do it?
A:If you want to revise your paper, we do not need to delete your Paper Submission. You can revised your mistake and Re-upload it, the submitted one will be covered by the new one.
The Robotics Society of Japan The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Japan Society for Precision Engineering The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers Harbin Engineering University University of Electro-Communications University of Electronic Science and Technology of China Changchun University of Science and Technology